Build consistent attendance habits

Sam was flagged in the system as a risky member because of his sporadic attendance. While he attended once a week for roughly 6 months, there was no consistency in his booking or attendance patterns. After his club engaged with him, he disclosed he lacks the confidence to attend busy classes before work and relies on quiet points in his work day. He was given the necessary support and now consistently attends 3 times per week and feels much more confident with his progress.

Increase longevity at the club

Leo, a 33 year old gym member has surpassed one year at his gym for the first time because of the special effort his club has made in making him feel part of the community. He’s on his 15th month as a member and has a great relationship with the staff, as well as with his schedule.

Health Impact

Scalr has proven to increase monthly attendance for members. Building active habits has a monumental impact on health – it’s why many of us are in the industry. Investing in a software like Scalr gives you the tools to help your members become happier and healthier.